mardi 1 mai 2007

fraise tagada macarons

Macarons again! Not as delicious as pistaccios macarons, but better-looking. I don't know if you can find "fraise tagada" ( in many other countries, but I hope so! If you really don't fing fraise tagad and you really want to try this recipe, try to find a kind of marshmallow candy with colored sugar around it...

-3 egg whites
-225g icing sugar
-125g almond flour
-30g caster sugar
-re food-coloring
-150g fraises tagada ("strawberry tagada")
-30g white choclate (no idea why, but it's what the recipe says...)
-10cL whipped cream

The recipe is exactly the same as the one for the pink macarons (, except:
-some more red coloring
-in order to customize not-yet-baked macarons, why not some fraise tagada's sugar (often in the bottom of the packet)?
-for the filling: let the whipped crem boil, then add fraises tagada and chocolate while mixing. The original recipe didn't say it, but I also added the rest of almond flour that was too big to sieved (not too much of course). The ideal situation is too stick couples of macarons together with the filling not too long after it is finished, otherwise if you wait too long it will turn into a real glue. If it does, don't worry, just warm it upand it becomes soft again.

#BON APPETIT#ENJOY YOUR MEAL# (and I promise, no more macarons before some time!)

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